Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If you ask me, they're all losers

I know it's waaaay past the big event, but I made a promise and damn if I'm not going to keep it. I can't let my loyal readers down! So Claiborne, Monika...this one's for you!

Due to my usual Sunday night chaos, I wasn't able to sit down and watch the live broadcast until it was more than half over, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I did sit back down in my cozy chair a couple nights later and try to watch the entire thing again to provide my insight and sjlfdua oia ioauioujioujioureizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Whoa. Sorry about that. Nodded off for a bit. The sad fact is, these people bore me. Life was so much better before all the stars had stylists and they just showed up as their own crazy selves. You know, when Joan Rivers was bitingly funny and before she had her face pulled so tight you could bounce a quarter on it and got her vapid daughter involved. Ahhh, the good ol days. But now the celebs are all carbon copies of each other, and even the ones who get it wrong aren't doing it to express their quirky sense of style, they're just tacky. Sigh. Snore. Maybe part of my problem is that my reaction to at least half of the people strutting and posing across my screen is, "who the hell is that?" and "who the hell actually STANDS like that?" (see Zellweger, Renee)

I have however, finally sorted through all the pics I could handle, and I'll start posting some thoughts. Like this one:

Hey lookie there! Christina Hendricks brought her Golden Globes to the Emmy's! Looking good Joanie, looking good. Though I don't recall her head looking so tiny on the show...

Next up: bring on the crazy....

1 comment:

Monika said...

Thanks, KQ - you didn't have to stay up until 1:13 pm (oh! never mind!)But what's up with Heidi? I missed it!