Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another gogo with Jojo...

Okay, add Lipstick Jungle to the list of 'Shows I Should Be Watching As If I Had The Time' which also includes KQ's favorite MadMen and Californication which was recommended by somebody at the coffee shop, probably Shane.

This week's recap features another guest appearance by none other than Jojoagogo, now dancing at the Stewartstown VFW. Just kiddin'. Down to business, we already know from last week that this week's guest is Brooke Shields. Ya gotta love Brooke. I think grace is her middle name. It's been awhile since the episode and I'm a little foggy but here are my highlights (speaking of which I really need to make an appt. w/Angie, the only colorist in Duck)...

Blayne... Bratty Blayne... Crazy Blayne... I am so over with the hoodies already, and the 'licious, ... dude, you are so not crazy but you do almost take Leann out which needs to be done if only for that really weird ruched burgundy add-a-cowl thing she was sporting. Leanne complains she has 'lost her confidence' which is hard to do if you didn't have any to begin with. Tim's comment about the whole shorts debacle was 'its not a bad idea' but I interpreted that to be the equivalent of the infamous mom comment 'he might have a nice personality'. Even Brooke was initially a little scared of Blayne's design... aren't we all a little scared of Blaynanoma? Jojo points out that yet another design manages to make a model's size -2 hips look big. Bad, bad, bad. Heidi points out his model looks like she got dressed without a mirror... umm, have y'all really looked, I mean LOOKED at Leann?

Jojoagogo totally calls the fact that all the models will be sporting Brooke-like tresses courtesy of the Tresemme hair salon. Everybody drink.

Suede, 37, amazingly claims to remember Brooke's Calvin Klein ads.. barely, I'm sure. Suede gets all Mr. High Maintenance on Terri resulting in Terri's rather crass 'I'm not -bleep- feeding any babies'. For the record, she's still on my team and I'm sure she said breast because she would never use any of the euphemism I hate for this part of a woman's body and I hate ALL of them...

Korto's got a veggie thing going on... first the gourd dress, now the sweet potato jacket but I love the way she handles Joe, refusing to push him under that old, tired, broken down bus that Bravo keeps using.

Jerrell, Jerrell, Jerrell... If I'd remembered to change my team you wouldn't be on it but Flyboy claims 'he's due'. Yeah, due to go home after last week's Peter Pan hat. But all my eggs end up in his basket and I am so crossin' fingers when he pulls out the 'Ms. Shields' card. What home-training. Brooke worries a bit about the belt but Michael and Heidi love it reminding her with their snarky comments that 'Brooke don't know fashion'. Jarrell, I am so worried about the man dress look you are sporting. The runway is about your MODEL not YOU.... nevertheless you are THE man tonight, my MAIN man, because no way are they gonna let Keith and Kenley's mermaid skirt top you... WWWHHHHAAATTT??? OMG, call BravoTV... the PR judges have gone straight from smokin' crack to crystal meth. Unbelievable.

Kelli's parting comment 'I have no regrets'... you're gonna regret those full arm tatts one day, honey. Daniel & Kenley's crush is OVER... Stella gets to work with Leatha.. plus she's totally channeling Cher for awhile there with the pigtails and everything which actually kind of works for her.

Jojagogo's Coors Light Comment of the Night: Michael Kors, 'Slutty, slutty, slutty'. So under the breath in the girl's bathroom, so catlike, so Michael.

Are designers getting money now for using Mood totes all the time? Why do we never see fights over shoes at the Bluefly Accessories wall? Could Heidi just STOP looking younger every week? Could I get a hug from Tim? Oooo, up next- DRAG QUEENS!!! Whoo-hoo! Perfect for a season that doesn't really have a Priscilla-like contestant. (Can't wait to have Chris back.) But pause for thought a minute over this astute parting observation from Jojoagogo- why are they asking them to make a 'costume' when the judges are always complaining about things being 'costumey'? It's a question for the ages.. or at least until next week's recap... I'll miss you Jojo! But I'll be taking notes for future costume ideas for your 'routines'....


thebeachisback said...

I have to say that I find this season a little disappointing. I know its a formula show... but the formula is starting to get boring. Bring on the fist fights at the Blue Fly Accesories wall. Let's see singed hair in the Tresemme hair salon. Maybe we just need less contestants. The only good thing on the show is Tim and Michael's bitchy comments. But I'll be watching again tonight... maybe they'll send home five people... sigh.

jojoagogo said...

I'll miss you tonight too! Maybe I'll have to make a surprise trip to the beach for the Grand Finale! What an idea? I'm brilliant!

Flyboy said...

Being so far in the lead makes the show a bit more fun I guess. Maybe my view is better at the top.

KQ said...

Oh kiss my ass flyboy.