Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Olympic Comeback

Sorry I've been out of touch dear readers. I've been suffering from a case of Olympic fever, which I seem to come down with every 2 years (unlike Bullets fever, which happens to me every year). I'm also in the midst of the mid-to-late-August Outer Banks Business Owners blues, aka when all the summer help returns to college and I actually have to WORK again. So it's about all I can do to keep myself awake at night long enough to marvel at the Olympic porn, much less get on my painfully slow computer and post a blog. And by Olympic porn, of course I mean the awe inspiring abdominals and biceps of the swimmers, divers, water polo players and gymnasts. Holy hell. I don't know if the USOC has cut back on the amount of fabric used in their uniforms as a result of budget cuts, or maybe they're going green & trying to 'conserve', but I think I speak on behalf of most viewers when I say, thank you thank you thank you! And though they have been relatively equitable with the eye candy for both male and female viewers, I must ask why the female volleyball players are practically naked while the men romp around in baggy tanks and shorts. Compared to the see-through dental floss the women are prancing around in, the men are practically wearing burkas! Something's amiss. Shouldn't men's Olympic volleyball be more reminiscent of, oh i don't know.... THIS??

(Do you think they have the net at about 4'9" so Tom Cruise can actually reach it?)

Some other Olympic observations:
Bob Costas is a tool.

Exactly how many boxing matches ARE there? Every time I turn on CSNBCUSAXYZPDQ it's all boxing all the time. Although I do love me some Teddy Atlas and have found him to be the only interesting thing worth watching on that channel.

Tim Daggett wears more make up than Elfie Shlagel or whatever her name is.

Tiki Barber should not, I repeat NOT be allowed to commentate, pontificate, facilitate or do anything else involving a microphone and broadcasting. Tiki. Honey. You were tolerable (mildly) on the Today show, grating on Project Runway, and downright painful to watch during the 30 seconds of your Olympic coverage I was able to stomach.

Greatest Olympic name: Dong Dong, the Chinese trampoline 'athlete'. Go ahead, try to say it without giggling.

Hey, you think the Jamaican runners are using some kind of "performance enhacing substance"? Just wondering....

Finally, and on a completely different topic -
I have not watched the last 3 episodes of PR (I hear ya, Clai - they bore me too) so I really can't comment on what's going on with the show this season. But I thought you all might enjoy seeing how I'm doing in the fantasy league...

team_hotpants' Project Runway
-8 Points, this week.
-7 Points, total this season.
4366th On this week's leaderboard
4089th On the overall leaderboard

Jamie, that should make you feel a little better.

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