Friday, August 22, 2008

What a Drag!

It's official (because my sister agrees with me)...Wednesday nights cross dressing Project Runway was the greatest runway show in the history of ever. It was auf the hook! (Ha! See what I did there? Suck on that Heidi!) That episode was so freakin' entertaining that I'm actually going to watch it TWICE. Drag Queens! Sequins! RuPaul! Gay pterydactyls! The mere thought of Michael Kors in drag! It's all just too too good. So humor me for one more night whilst I watch it again with unabashed glee, and I'll post some thoughts tomorrow. Or Sunday. Whatever.

In the meantime, Jamie has made the astute observation that we are in serious need of our own drag queen names. So far, I've come up with....nothing. I'm asking for your help people. Best submission wins a free bowl of 'candy'. (and if you watched the episode, you'll get that joke. hee.)

1 comment:

Monika said...

wow, really!!! A whole bowl????