Wednesday, October 15, 2008

...and we're auf...

PR finale just began. if there's anybody out there, feel free to join me in the comments. first question: can we virtually bitch slap kenley?


KQ said...

greatest moment of the season: tim's face after kenley mouthed off. and then she folded like a lawn chair. what a tool.

KQ said...

they're talking smack. and i love it.

holly hobbie. heh heh

KQ said...

maybe next year the models could be brought to you by burger king. jeezus those girls are scary skinny. you're sending a bad message bravo, very very bad.

KQ said...

kenley is actually much prettier without the makeup. still don't like her. omg she's got leaves sprouting out of her head. they look like the bean plants we used to grow in grade school.

KQ said...

kenley on tim gunn as judge: "hey maybe i should have fixed my attitude." ya think?

god she's a trainwreck.

KQ said...

first two dresses and all i can think of is if batman and robin were cross dressers...

if she wins i'll eat my shoe. and never watch the show again.

KQ said...

i am liking korto's collection. love the music and LOVE LOVE LOVE the white vest/pant suit.

oops, think we just saw a little too much side breastage. thank god for double sided tape!

KQ said...

okay leanne, the little flappy architectural things are cool, but get a little old after the first couple. and what happens when you sit down?

KQ said...

hey this is FUN! I'm virtually talking to myself.

KQ said...

seriously. how do they like kenley's collection??? i. don't. get. it.

KQ said...

wait a minute. they are criticizing katou for overworking her look? did they not see kenley's parade of hand painted crap? ugh.

KQ said...

okay, i'm sorry, but kenley walks like she just got off a horse. maybe it threw her and that's why she's got that shit in her hair.

KQ said...

Leanne wins. Enh. an underwhelming end to an underwhelming season. after the show i would have gone with katou. at least i don't have to eat my shoe.

KQ said...

well gee guys, this has been fun. it's been great talking to ya. i'll try to have some final thoughts tomorrow. until then dahlings...

Monika said...

kq - I'm so sorry I missed your virtual chat - I just caught up with your blog again today...
But, YES!!!!! I was screaming, "Slap her!!!" to myself as I was watching Kenley. Seriously, I was watching the show all by myself, late at night, screaming at the TIVO!
I soooo wanted Korto to win, it would have meant so much more to her, but I saw during the show that they wouldn't pick her. But at least they didn't pick Kenley! Would anyone actually WEAR those clothes (other then Kenley???)
Anyway, thanks for allowing me to relive my feelings through your virtual chat. Hey, I talk to myself all the time, but I never thought to do it on the net - nice move! I love it!
xoxo Monika
(I think we gotta hang out - I love you!)