Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Did you ever play the tunnel game when you were little? Or play it now with your kids? You know the one-you're traveling- usually on an actual trip- and a tunnel looms in the distance. Everybody starts taking deep cleansing breaths. In and Out. DEEP CLEANSING BREATHS. Then, suddenly, the car/truck/SUV take-yer-pick is actually in the tunnel. And the car is absolutely quiet. No talking, no whispering, no whistling... in fact... NO BREATHING is going on in the entire car.

Everyone is holding their breath, trying to make it the whole way through the tunnel and out the other end without another gasp of oxygen. (I assume the whole concept has something to do with the fact the most tunnels are underwater where human beings can't naturally breathe.) Eyes bulging, fingers scrabbling frantically, unspoken voices pleading with the driver through sign language to go faster! Go faster! (I finally learned not to play this game if actually driving the car since the risk of an oxygen deprived blackout is probably not in your passenger's best interests). And finally! There! The light at the end of the tunnel! Getting closer, closer until..... PHRSCHEW!!! All the breaths are released and life returns to normal.

That's kind of how I feel being almost at the end of my self-imposed blog blackout. You know, the one that started about the same time that Project Runway got really, really boring. I didn't want to talk about it yet knew if I was blogging I would have to and then the entire show would start to REALLY annoy me and PISS me off... but it ends tonight. Big wup. woo-hoo and all that. Now here are some things I'm going to get to ASAP...

the Presidential Race. Barack Obama. Michelle Obama's clothes. This year's mall fashions. The search for a great OBX manicure. Ignorant people. Properly handling hair crises. HSM 3. My Awesome Halloween Costume.... the list goes on and on... c u soon.

**And big thanks to Bravo for making the whole blog vacation possible. But next time can I borrow a few things from the Blue Fly wall?

1 comment:

thebeachisback said...

Speaking of the Blue Fly wall... can PR please please please get another sponsor? If I have to watch any of those stupid commercials again I might have to put out my own eyes.