Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My sister sent me a doozy this morning. It's taken me all day to attempt to process what I've seen, and well, it's, well, I just....oh here. Take a look for yourself.

The Vulva-cycle*
(*Yes, you read that correctly and yes, there is a picture and no, you don't want to open it in front of your boss, parents or children. And no, that's not it's actual name. I believe it's actually called the Mobile Female Monument, but I think I'll be referring to it as the 'cooter-scooter.' It's also an article from Finland and has been translated into English courtesy of the internet, and by 'translated' I mean 'butchered'. What we do know is that it has "accelerated the people.")

I do highly recommend reading the entire article because there are some amazing quotes in there that I can't bring myself to repeat in this blog, much as I would like to. Trust me, you'll know 'em when you see 'em. It would make a hell of a postcard, wouldn't it? "Greetings from Finland. Wish you were here. No right here. A little to the left. Ah yes, there."

PS: Kudos to my almost brother-in-law for this astute observation:
I think that you need to add a photo of the Oscar Myer wiener mobile and muse over what would happen if the two met.

Final note: while searching for the picture, the website actually had the following headline:
"Wanna drive the dog?"
If I had a dollar....

1 comment:

Shlara said...

Oh.My.God. Unbelievable.