Monday, June 23, 2008

It's a Sad Day

George Carlin has died.

I'm having a tough time thinking of what to say -- every time I try to write something, anything about this loss, I simply can't think of him without cracking up. For example, I can't say it was a freak accident, because then all I can think of is "two freaks in a minivan hit three freaks in a stationwagon." Or if I want to comment on how sad people across the country will be, I think of this:

So RIP George - there are a lot of words I could try to find to express how much you and your irreverent humor will be missed, but there are none better than these seven:

1 comment:

Jamie Layton said...

Oh, and forgot to mention in my triumphant return blog, that I was fortunate enough to see George Carlin who, for whatever reason, played at the rockin' Dickinson College where I just happened to be a senior. And those seven words? By 1988 he had about 29....