Friday, June 20, 2008

The Greatest Night In The History Of Ever.

I almost touched Eddie Vedder. True - would have been a much better story if I had made actual contact (like Kenny did) but being within an arms length of him was still pretty damn exciting for me. Tuesday night we made the trek up to Va. Beach to catch Pearl Jam at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre. Thanks to my newest best friend Ben, we had killer seats - 3rd or 4th row depending on who's telling the story. Eddie came to our side of the stage two times, and we rushed the stage both times like the true (dorks) groupies we are. The first time, Kenny went wide and was able to get a high-five from the Man. I was blocked by a woman in a wheelchair and even in my drunken hysterical groupie state of mind, I recognized it would be inappropriate to step over her on my way to Eddie. So I regrouped and was ready to run wide the second time around - succesfully making my way to the railing and though I didn't get the tambourine he ended up giving to the above referenced woman - tossed it to her right over my head mind you - I did get a very close look at EV, and a scowl from the security guy. So I've got that going for me.

If you watch the video, at about 6:03 you see an arm frantically, desperately, grabbing at Eddie's left leg. That would be me.

QB readers know of my deep deep love for Eddie. And now, as my obsession festers even deeper, I've been doing some additional reading and I've learned how very much we have in common. Both vegetarians, animal rights supporters, on the same page politically, both love surfing (ok I don't actually surf, but I still love the sport), we obviously like the same's like Tara said, we'd have so much to talk about. **sigh**

You can only imagine how much it hurts me to NOT be in attendance tonight when he rocks the Verizon center in DC, but I've sent roving blog reporters Tara and Kenny in my place so I'll have some analysis tomorrow. Until then, I'm going home, drinking a bottle (uh, I mean a glass) of wine, cranking some Pearl Jam and thinking about how disappointed Eddie must be that I'm not there.

(Apologies to my dear pals at G:TB for slightly plagarizing their headline, but it was far too appropriate to pass up.)

1 comment:

Shlara said...

Wanted to chime in with a mini review from the DC show...they were awesome. Loved the classics like Daughter, Black, Elderly Woman, and totally loved the killer cover of All Along the Watchtower during the encore. The U25 cohort seemed to dig Last Kiss, and it makes me sad that Pearl Jam = Last Kiss to these kids…and now I just sound old….

Moving on...Eddie was a little over-the-top with the political rants, and he got some of his info wrong...but he sure looks good.

Pretty much every band goes off on a rant these days when they come to DC, which is have the bully pulpit at your own show and there's a good chance the audience is full of wonky Hill staffers and lobbyist types, so you are hitting the “key influencers.” But you run the risk of looking dumb when you can't get your facts straight. Me and some of my D friends noted Eddies gaffes, and decided not to get all “PR consultant-y” on him and just moved on to enjoying the music.

But there is one faux pas that I cannot let slide...the white jeans. No dude should wear white jeans. Ever. Even if you are a hot rock star. Not acceptable. Eddie needs some fashion guidance from the Queen Beaches and/or needs to fire his stylist and hire KQ to take over. She would never let him go on the stage looking like that...