Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Three hours and counting until the new season of Project Runway!!

To make the most of the mere sixty minutes (commercials included) of showtime, I highly suggest you immediately head over to where bios and pictures of all this season's contestants are on full frontal display. Take some time to get to know the designers. Do them the courtesy of being prepared when you welcome them into your living room later this evening. We'll be living with them for weeks to come so wouldn't you feel better knowing right from the start whose fashion inspirations include Holly Golightly and Salvador Dali? In fact, just to see which Project Runway/Queen Beaches fans are willing to go the distance, here's a little quiz based on the Bravo info:

How many designer's bios include either the Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons or the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandise?

What is the average age of this season's designers?

How many designers already have their own label? Lines? Has designed a guitar?
(Three. Three. One.)

Which designer apparently lent her favorite jeans to her pit-bull owning, house painter boyfriend?
(Kelli. With an 'i'.)

When is Tim Gunn coming to fix my closet?
(Not until one of my BFF's submits my name for the next season of Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. Hint-hint, Katherine.)

Which designer's 'Fashion Must!' is.... anything neon?
(Blayne, you know, like Pretty in Pink. )

Which designer is totally wearing 'arm warmers'? Ankle warmers?
(Stella; Emily)

Who rocks his little blue unihorn?

Who's going to work hard to whip Kenny's butt with their own Fafarrazi Project Runway Fantasy team?

How many designers claim Vivienne Westwood as a favorite designer?

Which designer is sporting black fringed pants?
(Terri. Again with the 'i'.)

Who gets to be Heidi in the next life?
(Me! Me! I called it first!)

Who has 'mad skills'?
(Oops, sorry, wrong season.)

Who has 'bad skills'?
Well, as we all know, you can't judge a book by its cover so we'll have to wait until ten o'clock tonight to begin the discussions of who can go the distance and who can just go home.

Until then... make it work!!

(An extra special heartfelt shout out to Queen Beach reader, Project Runway fan and old college chum Lisa Cifuni Herbert. I'm thinking of you, Li!)


Shlara said...

Blayne = train wreck

Shlara said...

Love that Michael Kors, "let's be honest, it looked like a diaper pushed between her legs"

This show is THE BEST!

Shlara said...

did anyone else catch Tim's comment on the previews when they were rolling the credits?

"It's like a Pterodactyl out of a gay Jurassic Park"

KQ said...

that was the BEST!!

full disclosure: i didn't get home from work until well after 9, so only got to watch the last 20 minutes or so. i'll be rewinding shortly to watch from the beginning.

btw, blayne (sounds like a toaster): get that RIDICULOUS hat off your head.

So nice to see Austin Scarlett again. & f*** Heidi's perfect hair.

but those are just my first, unedited comments.