Thursday, July 10, 2008

You the Man

This topic has come up in conversation several times over the past month and I've decided it's now officially blog-worthy.

In my post Pearl Jam glow last month, I made the rather astute observation that Eddie Vedder is the epitome of a rockstar. Not really going out on a limb, I know, except for the veracity with which I was willing to defend my statement that he among the greatest front men of all time. My top three (in no particular order, except that Eddie is always #1):

Kurt Cobain

The other night we got to talking about it again, and determined the following criteria:
1. Would the band be as successful without him?
2. His and/or his band's overall contribution (a bit subjective & hard to define, I know)
3. Is he hot? (just kidding, although it doesn't hurt)
4. Longevity

I was going to add Matt Williams of SML but since I can't give them the longevity vote yet, we'll have to wait and see how that develops. Kenny was quick to nominate Jim Morrison as the greatest, an excellent contribution. I believe Sting's name was mentioned, there was some talk about Mick Jagger, Paul vs. John, and then I got up to help with the dishes so I missed the rest of their analysis. That, and I was on my 3rd glass of wine so the details might be a bit foggy.

And it's not limited to front men, it just started there. Diana Ross in her Supreme days would be an excellent addition to the list. Granted, this is not as thorough and definitive as the Best TV Theme Song list over in Gheorghe-land (and I'm not drunk like Whitney), but let's hear what you've got to say.

Party on Wayne.


Shlara said...

Dave Grhol is a must add. I'm going to ponder this some more and get back to the QBs with some additional thoughts...

KQ said...

I suspected you'd come up with that one. I'll let the typo slide, since I'm sure it was nothing more than your exuberance getting in the way of your spell check.

Shlara said...

Ah yes, I'm the world's worst typist and haven't figured out how to spell check on blog posts. Or how to correct previous entries.

I meant Dave Grohl, of the Nirvana, Foo Fighters and Probot fame. And, Springfield, VA native.

KQ said...

Kenny and I saw him once in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt - this was way back in '95-'96ish. That's my sort-of brush with greatness story for today.

KQ said...

Speaking of typos, I just noticed that without the comma, it appears that instead of encouraging Wayne to 'party on' as I had originally intended, he is, in fact, the host of this fictional shin-dig and we are partying ON him. What a guy.

Jamie Layton said...

Gee, I'm sorry, maybe I'm a bit late to the party but is my eyesight failing or is RHETT MILLER nowhere to be found on your list? I do believe he meets ALL of your so-called criteria (including a big 'Way!' on number 3) not to mention his mad song writing skillz. Come on, Quinn, are you asleep at the wheel or what?

KQ said...

Just trying to leave a little something for everyone else to contribute. He's made the list. Like I didn't mention Steven Tyler and his frighteningly large package for such a little man.

kenny said...

somehow we missed jimi hendrix! old school to be sure but seriously.. not sure about the hotness factor but the man does possess the longest fingers in guitar playing history- that has to be worth something to the beaches..

KQ said...

From Matt: (yes, THE Matt of SML fame) (and yes again, I'm almost embarrassed we missed these):

Re: great front men, not thinking about "hotness", I would put Freddie Mercury and Michael Stipe in that category. Of course, there's always Bruce.

Matt - those submissions alone earned you a spot on the list baby!!

Dave said...

longevity? nothing is less rock-star than cal ripken junior.

KQ said...

Yes Kenny, we do appreciate Jimi's long fingered prowess (hello, gutter. nice to see you again.) And as you and I discussed 'off the record', we don't know that he technically qualifies as a front man. A grey area, indeed.