Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Okay, boys and girls, its time to get your teams ready for tomorrow night's Project Runway episode! In case you STILL haven't gotten on board, we're all playing Fantasy Project Runway at fafarazzi.com and you can still sign up to play! Once you get all set up with the site, use this link to take part in the exclusive Queen Beaches group page - this is like your personal invitation so don't lose it again!
Interesting note on the contest to date: All participating women are currently getting their heinies spanked by two men- Flyboy and Uncle Rico. Nice.

A few thoughts from last week's episode I'd like to share as we all contemplate our team rosters for tomorrow...

First of all, the 'green fabric' challenge... I'm sorry, but aren't a lot of fabrics made from natural fibers? All they had to avoid was synthetics and poisonous dyes and (Tim's words here)- if appropriate, organically grown. So he takes the models to Mood because this challenge apparently is all about them and they get to choose the fabric for the dress they'll wear and we encounter the first riddle of the evening- If you take 15 model-wannabes to a fabric store that sells 1,000's of textiles, how many models will pick the same fabric? My head is in my hands... no to mention I think they told the designers they'd get a free Starbucks latte every time they said the words 'green fabric' during the episode. Enough already!

Back at the ranch, let's talk about this season's designers which instantly brings me to today's separated at birth... Ron Wood and his baby sister Steeeelllllaaaaa!

I wish Stella would go back to The Brooklyn House O' Leather. We get the fact that you're urban already! And did you really steam that dress WHILE it was on the model? Huge rookie mistake. I really couldn't be more annoyed with any of the designers. Oh wait a tick, Jamie could be more annoyed. In fact, Jamie was very irritated while Jamie was watching last week's episode. Jamie thought that if Jamie heard Suede refer to himself in the third person OR heard one more designer talk about Suede referring to himself in the third person, Jamie would puke. But he did win. But he must lose the jean jeacket with SUEDE in rhinestones on the back. I did love his dress, even if, as Tim commented, it did have some homosexual dinosaur leanings.

Looking for easy points? (Who's not!) This week we found out who the criers are- Korto and Leanne. Korto's dress looked like one of those gourds you pile on the porch for some 'fall color' and I love Leanne's teary comment to Wesley 'I can't imagine you not being there'.. oh for crying out loud, they've been there like five days at this point, right?

I'll wrap things up for this week with this fashion commentary- Leanne and Kenley- get off the friggin' 1950's mid-western farm. You are in New York and it is 2008. Lose those nasty plaid pieces, let's ditch those glasses, Kenley- that hairpiece looked like swan feathers got mixed up with watermelon seeds in the pig trough and for godsakes Leanne COMB your hair!! Do they not know how corn-fed ridiculous they look or is it just me?? I don't think Leanne's gonna be around much longer anyway after seeing that Lost Boys concoction. Funny that Natalie Portman points out the Peter Pan connection, she of the slight, svelte stature and fondness for asexual hair cuts. One last item... I loved Nina's comment about how nothing looks cheaper than 'short, tight and shiny'... did anyone check out Heidi's dress?S-uh-N-A-P!

Now go pick your teams...

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