Sunday, July 6, 2008

This time I SUPER promise... I swear!

I am becoming more and more convinced that Bravo uses subliminal messaging during its shows because even after I vowed to NEVER watch Salon Smarties again SOMEHOW I found myself watching a REPEAT the other day?!?!? Its like a magnetic pull or something... I must say I did NOT see it in its entiriety but after what I did view, I WANT to see the whole thing.

Now, you know how I feel about the Real Housewives of OC. If not, you need to do some backtrack reading of this blog. And my more recent opinions of Shear Genius are quite plain. However, when these two shows put their creative fists together with one producer shouting 'Shape of A Desperate Middle-Aged California Barbie' and another producer replying 'Shape of A Primadonna Hairstylist'... well, let me just say it takes on a whole 'nother dimension and one I'm not sure this world (or at least the East Coast) is ready for.

Like I said I didn't see the whole thing, but I did get to see all the Housewives (and daughters) who, let me get this straight, had agreed to be on the show, harass, bully and demand that their hair not be 1-cut, 2-colored or 3- changed. If that RHW beyach Vicki used her shrill harpie scream to tell her daughter's stylist not to 'cut one hair!' one time, she did it a dozen times. Does anybody remember when they went to Mexico on RHW and she kept screaming 'MEXICOH!!'
it was that voice.

So in the end they walked down the runway and OMG! looked exactly the same except maybe a little worse because all the poor stylists could do was try to restyle their way too long, way too processed, way too young looking hair. And I'm talking about the daughters too.

Two 'highlights' if you will- the Christian of Scissor Madness, Parker, is gone. Told you he should've read this blog. And I loved Sabrina being back to judge. She's tough as nails, man. And apparently has a show coming out called Sabrina's Salon Takeover which I'm having a lot of fun imagining as a hairdresser version of Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. I'll give you a little sneak peek at that later...

**Incidentally, there has been some confusion regarding the two pictures of Vicki at the top of this post. These are her 'Before' and 'After' pictures from the Shear Genius episode.

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