Thursday, July 31, 2008


OMG... somebody call the brass at Bravo because the Project Runway judges are SMOKIN' CRACK!!!! I am pretty disgusted at the moment so if I tend to veer all over the place, please bear with me. So here are my thoughts of Episode 3...

Kenley aka Veronica (like from Archie) enough with the feathered hairpieces already!!! Did you not see Carrie's reaction in the SATC movie when she finally realized she had a bird in her hair???

Leanne with the plaid... again... Emily with the theme dressing... again.. last week it was a grecian princess this time its Sailor Moon but unfortunately for Emily, her boat sailed off the show this week although I honestly cannot believe that Jennifer, the home ec student so out of her league with no style or taste (I mean, her personal outfits keep getting worse and worse!), won out over her. I loved what she said about her awful outfit 'I wanted it to be fun and young' well it can't be because you're NOT.

Blayne- you are so not long for this world and I just don't think you'll have enough air time to coin the next PR phrase.. last week it was Liciousness.. this week 'tough and dirty' or was it 'holla at cha boy' (which was amusing when Tim tried it on for size). And how did he make the cut when his dress was almost identical to Emily's- black with a 'great big corsage'?

Why, why, why is nobody listening to Tim 'the Guru' Gunn??? He gives them his complete and honest opinions and as soon as he walks away they're like 'I don't care. I know my style. I like it.' Oh, and which fashion conglomerate are you the CCO of?

Stella with the lacing is like Rami with the draping.. and I'm starting to decipher that she might be into leather... and what's with the striped leggings and leather nappie? And the past two weeks I've put both Joe and Jarrell up in my top picks and they've gotten no notice from the judges.

So its down to the wire and the workroom is chaos with ten minutes left to Runway and I'm looking at all these outfits, lots of which do NOTHING for the models and actually manage to make these stick thin girls look chunky, and three words come to mind. Hot. Tranny. Mess. Please God send more than one of these fools home this week.

Rooting for Terri, she's on my team- go Terri, go Terri, go Terri..... WHAAAATTTT???? Kenley? Kenley whose outfit garnered these descriptions 'Joan Crawford-esque', 'outdated', 'if you're not tall, you can't wear it'... I believe Tim Gunn described it as 'costumey'... yet Nina declares it adorable and she WINS???? I am so p.o 'ed. I got no points this week... again... nada... zilch... zero. I don't even want to look at our group standings.....


David Dust said...

The judges must have gotten into Stella's stash...

CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.


jojoagogo said...

I totally agree. I loved Sandra's goiter comment.. yet fashion for people with goiters wins. Go figure. I totally suck at this game. No points, none, ever. Terri rocks!