Sunday, February 24, 2008


oh holy lord. were they contractually obligated to run all this filler crap? the binocular thing? this ridiculously painful oscar voting bullshit? ack.

and now we have miley cyrus (i just realized i'm not sure how to spell her name and i'll probably have to pay some sort of royalty for just typing it)

and here is KICK ASS kristin chenowith (whom kenny has now added to his "list" and i kinda can't blame him even if she is a dwarf) singing the hell out of some song from enchanted which i haven't seen, but here's the quandry: why would they put poor amy adams (who clearly does not have the broadway singing chops of k.chen) on stage, all alone, in a REALLY bad dress, all alone, no staging to be seen, to sing a song...all alone... and k.chen who is a broadway STAR gets dancers, brides, even VILLAGE PEOPLE for chrissakes! we don't get it.

kenny is doing dishes, pouring wine and bringing us chocolate ice cream klondike sandwiches.

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