Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jamie's Oscar wrap-up

So, to try and gain a little perspective for my Oscar wrap-up, I went and checked out the Best and Worst dressed photo galleries on MSN.Entertainment. Let's look at their list- Marion Cottillard: kinda kooky in a 'snatch' kind of way (see live blog), I'll let her live. Helen Mirren- oh, let's all grow old gracefully shall we? Jennifer Garner- that hunk of hair in her eyes all night was driving me coo-coo but after what she had to put up with from the Buse on the red carpet, I'll give her a pass too. (But let's keep in mind, there wasn't THAT much competition on this boring, foot-worn red carpet.) Which brings us to Renee Zellweger??? Are you KIDDIN' me? Look, I'll admit I had a thing for Renee/Bridget... she's the only celebrity since Tatum O'Neal I've ever been compared to... when I was single (read: between marriages) watching Bridget Jones was my ultimate pre-game movie... I'd be struttin' round the house, lacquering my nails, sipping wine, primping for a date/function and watching her bounce between Colin and Hugh. But like Katherine, I am so over that Bridge... the hair gets shorter, the dresses slinkier and I'm so OVER the pout and carbs! You need some good carbs! She's so on my worst dressed list. Penelope Cruz... don't remember, don't care. Katherine Heigl... definitely my LEAST favorite red dress of the night. I'm gonna call her Heidi-Heigl Wannabe for awhile. Heidi and Anne Hathaway tie for my favorite red dresses of the night and honestly, they looked gorgeous. It just ain't fair. I'm gonna lump Cate Blanchett and Jessica Alba together because while they looked great for being preggers and all, does anybody really even notice or care unless they are themselves pregnant at the time? Didn't think so. Amy Adams- cute at first, kept getting her confused with the Wedding Crashers chick, but she just kept popping up too often with her Bag O'Nothin'. I think the producers must've been sick of her too because they really s**t on her by giving her a best song nomination to sing (which she performed in the movie Enchanted) with NO costume, NO dancers, NO nothing... then Kristen Chenoweth (who WASN'T in the movie) sings another song from Enchanted and they pull out ALL the stops. Amy, try being a little bit bad, it might get you places. Last but not least we have Keri Russell... I'm sorry, she's here because why? Getting noticed for that dress because why? Everything was just serendipitous until things got felicitous. Coming up next... MSN's Worst Dressed list- who should be moved over to the Best list and why; who shouldn't count (Nicole, yep, she's got a bun in the oven, too) and why facial hair can be a turn-on or turn-auf.

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