Sunday, February 24, 2008

oh to be cohy

so you were nominate about a month ago for an Academy Award for Best Sound Editing... you've had over 45 days to think about it... plan the outfit, unplan the outfit, hire the stylist, find a driver, a date, a raison d'etre... and now you're here, at the Academy Awards, and... OMG!!!... you WIN!!! ... and despite all the planning of shoes, seating arrangements, jewelry, chaperones and after-party plans all of a sudden.. OMG... you actually WIN the award, stagger up to the stage and then become absolutely all-at-once mute... you have no words... you are the proverbial caught in the headlights doe... have you really planned everything but an acceptance speech? has the excitement of the moment just summoned an extreme case o f amnesia? or.... are you just very, very coy?

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