Sunday, February 24, 2008

wake me up

Okay, for whatever reason you are at the Oscars... most likely you are a member of the Academy, somehow, someway... maybe, just maybe, you get to actually walk onto the stage to present someone who is going to present someone with an award... or, if you're extremelytalented or lucky, you're actually NOMINATED for an Academy Award.... so, PUHleeze, answer me this.... Cameron Diaz, why would you wear such a NON color?? i Mean, blah... boring... hand me a kleenex because you look like one of their decor (not) colors - maybe 'underarm flesh' that goes with everyone's home.... and Amy Adams, picking your ear on national TV? National TV on probably three (at least) channels? do you not have an invisible colonial-era earpick in that art decor handbag? Ladies, this is the big time... please show it.

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