Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Education of Chesska (In which I learn to play wii)

I have a new alter ego and she has come to play. Her name is Chesska. Not Jessica, not Fresca, Chesska. She is my wii avatar and here is her story. Ukrainian student worker… good jobs at 7-11 and Pizza Hut... looking for a potential fiance/green card. In the first round of bowling opponents ‘accidentally’ forced her to bowl left handed. Wasn’t pretty. In the second round, she switch-hit with the right arm and KICKED some A**!!! Really smoked ‘em.

Here is a picture of some new friends she has made took with digital camera she got at Wal-Mart for which to take snapshots for family back home. This is her best good mate and works with him at 7-11- Barthe (from Hungary) and new American friend, Ken, as they are headed for the Stoly 2008 Heavy Metal Moscow Slam. Chesska very much likes the US of A and her most liked parts are the inexpensive Clairol hair color kits and the department store Kay Mart. Hello Ukraine how do youse like me now!


thebeachisback said...

I love seeing one of your many multiple wonderful personalities featured on the queenbeaches blog.

Ken has expressed some concern about his future political career after having this photo on the internet. Of course, this is the least of his concerns for a political career. It should be his big mouth wife.

Flyboy said...

That Barthe guy looks like a cool cat. Love the Zep shirt. Classic. Who is the dork he's with and why is the Van Halen logo so BIG?

Anonymous said...

Barthe looks suspiciously like Al Hrabosky, who they called "The Mad Hungarian". He was also a short man with a goatee. I wonder if they're related?

The other guy obviously like Virginia Tech...or is that...oh my.