Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As promised...my PR finale wrap up. Finally.

When Alexander Graham Bell said "When one door closes, another opens," I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about television. Regardless, it seems pretty appropriate for this past week. For while I've been bemoaning the end of Project Runway and the series finale of the Wire, I completely lost my focus for a minute there and forgot all about March Madness. Of course in sports you don't get quite the same opportunities to make snarky comments about sartorial disasters and the surrounding drama, but all is not lost - the 2008 PGA Tour is only just getting underway and there are bound to be some prime pickings.

No, no Ian. We tip our pink visors to YOU.

But before we get all a twitter about the future, let's take a brief moment to say goodbye to PR. It's been almost a week and a) I still think it was a boring finale, b) I've decided I don't really like any of the collections, and c) It would have been SO much better if Chris had the opportunity to present his parade of hair. I missed the drama! I don't mean drama like Christian's Pirates of Penzance collection, I mean REAL drama, like when everyone hated Wendy, or when everyone hated Jeffrey. It's just not as much fun when everyone gets along. It's like watching NASCAR for the crashes or hockey for the fights -- no one really tunes in for the other stuff. There were a few outfits worth noting, so let's work from the bottom up. First up - Jillian:
Holy hell! Was this leftover from the evening gown portion of the WWF divas episode? Aren't her feet going to be cold when she hits the ice for her triple lutz? (Is it a legging? A stocking? Are the arms and legs made out of the same material? I'm so confused.) Is this one of Spitzer's gals? 'cause for $5,500 an hour you'd think she could have some socks or a whole skirt. Jillian darling, I'd ask you all these questions but listening to your response would probably just lull me to sleep. I liked this version much better, but I can't seem to get past the creepy cat's eyes peering through her breasts:

I don't want to be a total hater. Her collection was expertly tailored and for the most part surprisingly wearable (but not so much with the equestrian hats). Moving on...I was fond of this little number from Rami:

I was pretty darn impressed when I realized it was in fact 2 pieces and all 1930's antique lace. Not surprisingly, his dresses were beautiful and well made, and he'll have a nice career ahead of him dressing starlets for the red carpet. Which brings us to Christian, who we can all start to hate as soon we get sick of hearing the word "fierce" which should be right about....now. I get why he won - his collection was very fashion-y and avant garde, but I just can't picture it sitting on the racks at Nordstrom. Guess that's not his goal. And I know Posh thought this dress was may-jah, but everytime I look at it all I can think of are those crepe paper centerpieces that start flat and you open them up into the shape of a pineapple or a hula girl or something.
I just hope she's seen a doctor about that unfortunate growth on her feet.

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