Saturday, March 22, 2008

Oh, the guilt, the guilt!

Okay, so according to my sister I have been a bad, bad blogger. Yeah, tell me something I DON'T know. All I can say is that every minute of every hour of every day for the last week and a half has been a non-stop juggling act of life with two kids, two jobs, one husband and a new blog. But miracle of miracles, spring break has arrived and with the kids safely (I hope) esconced with their Dad for awhile I have every intent of catching up on things (including sleep and this blog). So much to update everyone on- more from the streets of New York, my favorite fashion looks from the annual Club Easter Egg Hunt, who IS America's next Supermodel? and if Holly wins, will Ben and Ronnie run off together to San Fran leaving Ben's lil southern wife in angst? These questions must be answered, and I promise they will be as soon as I get one more good night's sleep. So tune in tomorrow for another entry and until then, consider this greeting card thought ( I know I could be a successful working mother if I just had one thing. A wife.

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