Saturday, March 29, 2008

I used to be an athlete...

but I'm laying on my couch, watching NCAA hoops, "digesting" my brownie and red wine while resting my leg in an attempt to relieve my sciatic pain, and all I can think about is, how the hell do those cheerleaders sit on the floor like that for so long?


Anonymous said...

were you "scouting for camel toads" again?..

Monika said...

Hey, KQ,
Don't know you yet, but your daughter Maddy is in my son Samuel's class. The answer to how those cheerleaders sit on the floor like that is:........."yoga!" ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is very reminiscent of a wonderful Sunday morning spent watching Les Mills training videos and sipping on champagne...and let's not forget about the creme brulee french toast. Ahhhh, those were the days.

KQ said...

Monika - not only did i used to be an athlete, but i used to be the kind of mom who knew the other kids in her kids' classes. sigh. and i think it's less yoga, and more being 18-20 years old. damn those little beaches....

KQ said...

Gillie!!! Just the other night we were talking about making the audition tape for what's her name which led to that killer game night. We MUST do it again. Bring your surfer hubby down here sometime, will ya? We miss you! Nothing like a bunch of fitness instructors getting hammered on a sunday morning while watching and critiquing (sp?) fitness shows. we sure were something then....