Sunday, April 20, 2008


If you've never experienced New York's Canal Street shopping scene, you've truly missed out on one of the wonders of the commercial world. Shop after shop after shop hocking knock-off designer goods, some obviously cheap imitations, a few (the ones you see in the 'back room') impressive reproductions. Men and women at every storefront approaching you with flyers, enticing you to purchase their wares, all with the same mantra, "chanelpradaguccicoach?" It's downright musical. I wouldn't even venture a guess of how many millions of visitors make the journey downtown to purchase these cheap, albeit illegal goods. Sure, we can rationalize it: it's not hurting anyone. the real designers have more than enough money. it's such a good deal! Well, I'm not here to lecture anyone, or to delve into the deeper issues surrounding designer goods, free market economy, sweatshops etc etc etc. I'm just here to share the following news: the gig, as they say, is up.

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