Saturday, April 19, 2008

One of those days

Seeing as how I am pretty much in a constant state of sleep deprivation, I've always thought the idea that you could get too much sleep was pretty much a load of crap. Well today I am disproving my own skepticism. After a couple of complimentary cocktails at the Lost Colony golf tournament yesterday (props to Kathy Horne for a terrific job!) I went home last night and instead of falling asleep at 9 like I suspected and secretly hoped, I stayed up and watched the Good Shepherd. (By the way, if anyone out there has seen the movie, could you please explain to me WTF was going on? I fancy myself a relatively intelligent gal, but even with liberal use of the DVR rewind I still found myself frequently cocking my head to the side and asking of no one in particular, "HUH?" I'd appreciate some insights, otherwise I'm going to have to watch it again AND brush up on my US/Cuba/Russian history, and I really don't want to bother.)

I finally went to sleep around 1 after watching Charles Barkley on Jimmy Kimmel - hilarious by the way, do check it out at All was going well until the 6 am battle royale with a kamikaze mosquito that basically involved me flailing about frantically smacking my own head in a groggy stupor in an attempt to kill said skeeter. Finally got the bastard at 7, and ended up sleeping in until 10 am. So one might think I'd be well rested today. Not so much. I am moving in a slow motion fog - hazy and completely out of it. My eyes look as puffy as a blowfish, I've had two disgustingly carb-laden breakfasts, a large coffee that is doing absolutely nothing to give me a boost, the subsquent crash that follows such a nutritious meal AND arrived at work to discover you can see right through my dress to my green underwear. Classy. But my hair looks fantastic and that my dear friends, is all that really matters sometimes.

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