Thursday, April 10, 2008

Where's the Beef?

Just a quick entry to answer a recurring question I've been getting lately- here is Claiborne's version: "I seem to remember a photo was taken whilst fair Jamie was wearing the beaver. Would it be possible to post it so that everyone can get the visual?"

Yes, Claiborne, you are absolutely correct. The paparazzi were out in force that night and did indeed get a good shot of my beaver. However, apparently they (i.e. Katherine) were so jealous that they have 'lost' my beaver shot. Apparently they were not strong enough to risk running the photograph and discovering that my erstwhile muff is every bit as fab as I think it is.

Chris (my husband) has graciously offered to help me this weekend by taking another beaver shot which I will post as soon as it becomes available. Which will probably be a good thirty minutes after it is taken. You know how men are.

1 comment:

Flyboy said...

Still waiting. What's wrong? Cat got your beaver?