Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Sometimes I amaze even myself. Did I, or did I not predict the participation of one Mr. Neil Diamond on American Idol? Well peeps, I did. Allow me to remind you:

And now that I know he's out pimping a new album, 5 bucks says he shows up on American Idol this season.

You can read my whole post by clicking here: Queen Beaches

Yup, that was me. I said it. Now, I'm not actually WATCHING American Idol, cause, well...it sucks. I just thought you'd like to know that I've got my finger on the pulse of American pop culture.

In the words of a true reality show genius, carry on people. Carry on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neil Diamond inspires me. Ronaldo and the Transvestites do too. I'm off to Panama in the morning. It's a narrow country, but pleasant and warm. I plan to eat ceviche daily, and to get really tan and show off my build. Maybe I'll trap a beaver or two. Well, I must depart to bed. Good nite Queens.