Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's raining.... it's pouring

The Blog Gods have smiled upon me today after totally ignoring my white a** most of the week. Suddenly, spinning around in my cerebellum, are not just one or two but a good half-dozen potential blog topics. Feast or famine, that's the way things seem to go in my neck of the woods. First things first, there's some old laundry to fold.

After the beaver shot finally appeared, all those clamoring little voices out there were apparently stunned into submission and silence. It was almost a week before anyone picked their chins up off the floor and managed to comment. One post in particular stood out as it included this video link which I am sharing here again in case you are not a good little QB reader who routinely reads the comment threads. As you will see, sometimes people should ignore their impulses...

like sharing videos of 'Winona's Big Brown Beaver'. And so I say to them...

Holy batsh#t! What the hell kind of CRACK are you, Flyboy and 'anonymous' (how clever) smokin' up there in (-------)* because you all had to be on SOMETHING when you found those mondo bizarro plasticine presidential rodeo clowns. Have y'all never heard of coulrophobia? Do you think that maybe you were being a bit insensitive to any QB readers suffering from this serious malady? Put the PBR down and step AWAY from the pipe, people!!!

And besides, I don't even think those guys are really playing their instruments and it looks like they're lip synching!!! But before Flyboy starts whining 'you don't know c**k, it's Primus, man!' Yeah, yeah, I know. I think they peaked with the South Park theme.

*The location of these QB readers has been censored by the legal representatives and possible future campaign managers of a person who is sometimes and sometimes not associated with these readers. Hiya, Barbie's Boytoy!


Flyboy said...


You know you want to be up here in (------)* with us. You belong up here in (-------)* with us. We've got a nice, cold PBR waiting for you. Primus Rules!!!!

Anonymous said...

One of the plastic fellows in this remarkable video resembles the man who did my nails today.

Anonymous said...

Something about the word 'beaver' that just sounds funny the more you say it...bea-ver, beeaa-verrr, BEAVER. I don't think i've ever been called a cheeks are flush with color!