Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ah, what a fuggin' fabulous Queen Beaches party! We were psyched to see so many Queen Bees buzzin' around, a martini in one hand, the other flipping through the hot spring clothes at A & M's... not only will we be doing it more often, but are already thinking about celebrating the blog's 1 year Anniversary (next Spring) with a Queen Beaches Prom! Dig out those bridesmaid dresses... shoot, get out your prom dress if it still fits!... find some awesome dyed shoes and get your man some hair gel! We'll drop details as they become available I.E. whenever we hit the Wodka and, naturally, think up unique and BRILLIANT ideas (like this blog).
And to answer Quinn's question about the size of my hangover- it was exactly equal to the size of my Rhoda martini glass- itty bitty! I felt splendiferous yesterday and only a wee bit soggy.

I went up north last week for a funeral. Getting into the church meant walking straight into the wind, so once in the vestibule I looked around for a mirror in which to straighten my lovely blonde locks (see picture below; I wish it had been taken before my lipstick blurred but at least my eyes aren't at half-mast like Quinn's. HA! I bet Katherine thought SHE got to be Patsy! Called it first!) Anyhoo, all I found was a quite diminutive mirror which upon further inspection turned out to be the passenger side mirror from an automobile. A closer look revealed that some very clever person had replaced the word 'closer' so that the factory applied stenciling at the bottom of the mirror now read 'OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE HAPPIER THAN THEY APPEAR'.

Katherine and I are stenciling our closet mirrors this weekend to read 'OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE THINNER THAN THEY APPEAR'.

Shout outs from Friday night- Tami Chase: LOVED your dress!... Janet Ellis: we are going to have to limit you to trying on 5 outfits next time because once we realized that everything looks awesome on your tiny little frame we got very depressed... Clai: I'm still in trouble about the St. Pauli dress, could you reconsider?... who didn't love those new jeans at Ally & Maddy??... jewelry madam Heather was ROCKIN' a cute little outfit at the end (and her jewelry ROCKS)... apparently nobody realized that the Fug Martini glasses (wine glasses with painted on translucent pink flamingoes) were a GIFT WITH PURCHASE and I am still stuck with all 6...
I could go on and on about how great everybody looked both in their own clothes and in potential new togs... I could go on and on about how fun the whole night was... about how great it was to spend more than 2 minutes with Ann McD who I never get to see!... but what I think it all boils down to is maybe there just aren't enough girl's night opportunities out there for true Queen Bees which is exactly what the Queen Beaches are going to remedy! Thanks for coming out.... look for my Friday night beaver shot in the next entry. (Bet that gets some male QB readers titillating... it's hot.)


1 comment:

Flyboy said...

'look for my Friday night beaver shot in the next entry.'

I knew there was a reason I checked this blog out daily. Can't wait. Such a sassy girl.