Thursday, April 10, 2008

Drum Roll Please.....

Judging by the steady stream of comments like ‘we want beaver! Must have beaver!‘ I think I’ve left our male QB fans waiting in salivatng agony long enough. So here it is readers, the picture you’ve been asking for. The first ever Queen Beaches beaver shot… be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

‘Oooo! It’s so big!’ ‘So luxuriously full and furry!’ ‘Look at the colors and patterns as the light dapples over it!’ Okay, STOP looking at the coat… look up… higher… all the way. To the tippy top of my head. There it is… the shot of my beaver that I’ve been promising.

It has also just occurred to me that my soleus to the maximus are on full display here as well. In fact, this entire picture is just a huge hot tranny mess... where'd I leave my wine?


thebeachisback said...

These pictures reminded Ken and I of a song...

Check it out here on YouTube

I love the hot tranny mess of this picture!

Flyboy said...

They say if you've seen one beaver you seen them all. I've never subscribed to that theory. This is a perfect example. Its' furriness is truly a pleasant surprise. Nothing wrong with showing a little leg with the beaver either.

Flyboy said...

By the way.....and I'm not the only one wondering, just the only one bold (crazy) enough to ask. Are you wearing anything under the coat or is it just the coat, beaver, legs and assorted? Curious pose for curious readers.