Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going On Record

I admire the current trend of not declaring for presidential candidates that many newspapers and magazines have been jumping on. After all, if a publication delcares one way or the other do they not then become a mere vehicle, a 'tool' if you will, for that particular candidate and their party? Can you really trust their reporting once you know they favor one over another? Bravo, I say, long live the free press!

This custom, however, does not extend nor apply to blogs. Therefore, with the race becoming more bloody and vicious everyday... while erstwhile victors from every camp lie fallen by the wayside; as each potential and worthwhile champion endures the pernicious scrutiny of their every shot by the press... I feel the time has come for the QB's to shrug off our cloaks of impartiality and announce our preferences once and for all.

Today, my fellow Americans, I am pleased to declare the Queen Beaches for..... the Pittsburgh Penguins!!!!

(What can I say- when you let the QB's choose from a varied field of candidates, we're always gonna pick cute young boys with long sticks!)

Disclaimer: We would like to state that we were in no way, shape or form reimbursed for this promotion by the Pittsburgh Penguins, the NHL or Sidney Crosby. Okay, it's shameless, but at least we worked his name in somewhere on the off chance Sid the Kid has a habit of googling himself (like some people we know). Sidney, if you find this, pleeeeeeaaaaassse comment!!!


KQ said...

Okay just for the record I am NOT cheering for the Pens. I am a CAPS fan regardless of the fact that I'm still smarting from that f'ing overtime loss. I say that with all the heart and conviction of the bandwagon fan that I am.

So at this point, all I have to say about the Stanley Cup playoffs is, Let's Go Wizards!

KQ said...

BTW - Speaking of sports, Jamie, what do you think about forming a roller derby team? We could call ourselves the Beach Beavers. I've got some great ideas about costumes. And Ivan could be our mascot.

Jamie Layton said...

Wizards??? You're killing me. And wait until you hear my Beaver Team stories...

KQ said...

Can I be Captain Beaver?

Jamie Layton said...

No, but you can be Sergeant -----(rhymes with.... oh, shoot, I can't think of anything that rhymes with word for a cat... the one that starts with a p, ends with a y. Any suggestions?)