Friday, May 2, 2008

6 Degrees

I am a firm believer in the whole six degrees of separation theory. I'm pretty convinced that in just four degrees I am intimately connected with the British royal family. Here's an interesting six degrees for ya:
Andrew Lloyd Webber and..................Eric Cartman. Yes, really. Here's how to do it. Andrew Lloyd Webber composed the The Phantom of the Opera. Howard McGillin is currently playing the role of the Phantom on Broadway. Howard also supplied the singing voice of Gregory in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (one of my husband's top three movies of all time). Eric Cartman is, of course, a major South Park antagonist. Hence, stay away from the cheezy poofs, Lord Webber.
Here's another funny one... several months ago Quinn was in the midst of her Famous Friends & Family contest, although she was more or less playing by herself (might as well be WITH herself) because I couldn't find anyone for my team. I work in a bookstore. Saw something somewhere about a movie coming out this year called A Dog Year. Wondered if it was based on the book (which we carry) by Jon Katz. Went to IMDB. Found out yes, it is based on the book. Took a quick look at the cast (headed by Jeff Bridges) and saw one Josh Liveright. So, since this was the same name of someone I went to middle school with, I threw it out there as a possible player for my team.
Lo and behold, the Josh Liveright from my 70's found the name of the Josh Liveright from the double zeros on our blog (Josh, do you google yourself? It's okay, lots of people do.) and responded that indeed, it is the same, one and only Josh Liveright.
If you read our comments (see I Feel Pretty), you're probably thinking- okay, so that's like old news. However, I was so astonished by this comment coming as it did out of a time chasm of, like, 20 years or more, that I am only just now able to acknowledge and respond. (plus, remember, my puter was broken!)
Josh, if you're still out there, more comments please with updates on where you are- how you are- whatcha doing- have you read Max's books- etc., etc.
And I will now consider myself to be connected by a mere three steps to Jeff Bridges. sigh.


KQ said...

ok first of all if you REALLY want to have a name dropping smackdown, i'll be more than happy to bring up the fact that a college "boyfriend" with whom i also attended first grade is now a regular on CSI and just last week popped up on Desperate Housewives. Archie Kao - how YOU doin'? And Jamie...don't knock playing by yourself, with yourself, googling yourself -- whatever you want to call it. it's not a bad way to kill an afternoon.

Josh Liveright said...

Yes, I do google myself from time to time... and I was surprised and pleased to find Jamie... Hi again Jamie. I'm in NYC... I work for the show Law & Order: Criminal Intent but not as a series regular. I do a little acting on the side though and thus the brief appearance in the maybe someday to be released film A DOG YEAR. Yes, I have read Max's book FLOWER CHILDREN but not the other one. I'm moderately in touch with Leda too. Moreso with Mary for whatever reason... maybe cause she's closer. I'm married and have two kids, a boy and girl... 5 and 3. And I run a small not for profit theater company in midtown Manhattan. And yes, Jeff Bridges is amazing... I got to spend the day with him... he really is The Dude.