Monday, May 19, 2008

High School Beaches

Jamie: Zac! What are you DOING here!?

Zac: Well, you know, I'm a big fan of the Queen Beaches and when I heard you would be making an appearance at the Duck Woods High School Musical family dance, I told my publicist- screw the Narnia premiere, I'm goin' to North Carolina!

J: Oh, you sweet, sweet thing. And you left Gabriella at home?

Z: Well, you know, Vanessa's not really my girlfriend. And we are NOT dating. And I was appalled by those 'private' pictures.

J: NOT dating? Really? No wonder, poor dear, she is WAY too young for you.

Z: What do you mean? She's only a year younger than me. She was born in '88.

J: Exactly what I mean, hon. See, I was graduating COLLEGE in '88... so you do the math and tell me who can teach you more of life's lessons, share a wealth of knowledge and pass on many, many more experiences...

Z: Oh, I think I see what you're getting at...

J: Do you, hon? Because I can be a bit more direct.

Z: No, no... I definitely fee... I mean, see what you're getting at. Why don't you give me a sip of that martini and we'll go somewhere quiet?

J: Sorry, hon. One thing the Queen Beaches know is the legal drinking age and you won't hit that until October. However, we happen to know for a fact that you're perfectly legal for, shall we say, other vices. Hey, look! Paparazzi! Smile!

Z: Okey dokey, but what do their credentials say? The Daily Beaver? Never heard of 'em...

J: Like I said, lots to learn, baby, lots to learn....

(Photo: Claiborne Y., The Daily Beaver)


Flyboy said...

I don't even know where to begin. Is it possible for flyboy to be speechless? Hmmm....

Really liked the dress though.

thebeachisback said...

I think it is very important that women of a certain age help these to train these young men properly.

I want to thank you for reminding us of this very valuable public service that we can offer to hot, young men.

Also, v. excited about the press credentials for the Daily Beaver. I think I can do something with those.

KQ said...

hey jamie - what's your left hand doing?