Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

A few months back, after one of my mini-rants about the RHW of OC, Monika left us a comment suggesting that perhaps we should investigate the possibility of a Real Housewives of the OBX. Well, I've given much consideration to that idea and, in fact, contacted a certain Reality TV based network about the proposal. After outlining the basic premise to them, I received their quick reply: No. Fortunately, they included their reasons:

1- In order to keep up with an OBX Real Housewife, camera crews would be required to work more than the 3 hours a day required for other similar shows.

2- In fact, overtime would be necessary since OBX RHW are on the go non-stop from 6am (or earlier) to 11 pm (or later) and even the Reality TV Camerapersons Union won't approve that many extra hours. I believe their exact words were ' it is inhumane and exhausting to demand that type of performance from anyone'. Apparently they've never met the superhuman wundergirl known as Outer Banks Woman.

3- the Union representing the drivers for said camera crews has expressed concern that even their best drivers would be unable to keep up with an OBX RHW darting and dodging tourist traffic on the bypass as she gets child A to piano, child B to soccer, pops in to HT, transfers child B and friend to OTM practice, takes child A home to change for softball, retrieves dry cleaning, swings by the bank, grabs a bottle of much needed wine from Chips, retrieves child B ..... you get the picture.

4- There is fear that amidst all the realness of the lives of OBX Real Housewives, there is little time for the petty arguments, constant gossip and insignificant drama which are deemed such an 'important' part of the other shows. In response to this, I quote Eleanor Roosevelt:
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Little minds discuss people.

In short, a 'real housewife' of the OBX i.e. children's rights advocate/household engineer/car service driver/laundress/personal chef/tutor/domestic goddess/gardener/committee volunteer (many trying to eke out an income from an actual paying job at the same time) are apparently too real for reality TV. Like that's a bad thing? Maybe Katherine and I will dust off the camcorders and produce it ourselves! Stay posted for an audition schedule... first requirement: you must be a QB devotee.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Queen Beaches out there!

You're FABulous..... and Happy 39th forever Birthday to Whitney 'Jaclyn' Harrison!

1 comment:

Thea said...

Good job summing up all that we do!
I am proud of the many extraordinary OBRHW I know & love.