Friday, May 16, 2008

Nothing like a little competition, I always say. And after watching approximately 100+ innings of softball and baseball and 12+ hockey playoff games so far this Spring, I'm feeling a wee bit emulous myself. I also haven't heard anything from Quinn's kidnappers which leads me to believe there ARE no kidnappers which means she's got herself dug in deep somewhere. Thus, I am going to attempt to lure her out with a Queen Beach Ultimate Fat Fighting Smackdown.

Katherine, we all know about your fitness background, the physical trainer thing, etc., etc. Girl, it's time to put yo money where yo mouth is. I am offering MYSELF up as your sacrificial lamb giving you ONE month to get me into any type of bathing suit shape that's even REMOTELY better than what I'm looking at in the mirror right now. We both have access to the gym, I'm willing to try and follow any routine you map out for me and if you can impart even 1/10 of your self-control to me it will be more than I've ever had in my life. Please be my Jackie Warner. (Plus, I give you good press in the summer North Beach Sun!)

June 16, baybee. Do you have what it takes to make me the next Biggest Loser?
(Readers: don't worry, if this doesn't resurrect her I'm pretty sure chocolate always works.)
Disclaimer: The photo accompanying this entry is a completely photoshopped image used in an hysterically funny email traveling the internet under the heading 'Why NFL Quarterbacks Need To Keep Their Names Short'. This image, NOT OF A REAL PERSON, in no way should be interpreted as any type of discriminatory statement made by the managers of this blog and, in fact, was selected as being the most accurate depiction of the fat butt of one Queen Beach who is, indeed, a Steeler fan (read: not Katherine). Ergo, please hold all the PC comments. Tx.
Yep, I'm still up.

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