Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

On this national day of remembrance, I think it's only appropriate we take a moment to step away from the burgers and dogs, put down the Budweiser can, and with due reverance, honor those who have served our country. Anyone who knows me knows I am not typically one to wrap myself in the flag, or be prone to overt displays of patriotism. In fact, on more than one occasion I have been called something along the lines of a 'damn hippie liberal' and I'm 100% cool with that label. My father-in-law proudly fought in the war, my dad was a Marine, I have brothers-in-law and a stepdad who served - I've been around distinguished and honorable military men and women my whole life. I have the utmost respect for our military and am in awe of the sacrifice they are willing to make on our behalf for too little respect, pay, benefits, and services when they come home. But that's a different blog. This is a shallow, politics-free blog.

So anyhoodle, from the comfort of my couch last night I watched the National Symphony Orchestra's annual Memorial Day Concert on PBS. I enjoy tuning in every year, not so much for the typically bizarre collection of perfomers -- ok I admit as I girl I had a wicked crush on Bo Duke, but seriously - John Schneider? Gladys Knight & Idina Menzel: total pros, and Sarah Brightman was incredible. No, my favorite part is when each branch of the military is honored with the playing of their songs. I get chills when they show the crowd, particularly the old-timers who, if they can, still stand at attention, and the active members in their uniforms, and the wounded veterans, and the families -- all proudly saluting, many overwhelmed with emotion. It's incredibly moving, even for a cynic like me. Well. Then they introduced Rodney Atkins (who?? i know. country music star. whatever.) to sing America the Beautiful. And for his appearance on a national stage, to honor America, in front of dignitaries, politicians, and millions of Americans, THIS is what he chose to wear:
(well, basically the same outfit, just a different t-shirt. I couldn't find a picture.) Seriously dude? This is the best you could come up with? If you need some help figuring out what to wear, tell your stylist to call me. Or call the Marines.

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