Whilst getting my hairs cut yesterday I was leafing through a recent issue of Allure when I saw this picture of the one and only Chloe Sevigny. Imagine my surprise when I discovered she herself designed this springy ensemble for her new Opening Ceremony collection. I was even more alarmed when I read what she had to say about it which was something like 'I think this is just perfect for going on a stroll down the street'.
Carnation Street, maybe? Wisteria Lane? My-Great-Aunts-Chintz-Armchair Way? Or is she designing with her 'sisters', those poor FLDS women in mind?
I join the awesome professionals over at GFY and Sesame Street when I state for the record that these two things are definitely NOT like the other: Chloe Sevigny. Fashion Icon.
Who's with me?
1 comment:
Sure, if by strolling down the street you mean the walk of shame. I can imagine the catalog description:
"Last night it was love at first sight. But as the morning's first light pierces your brain through the only eye you can open, you realize that the pain you'll feel trying to pry your tongue from the roof of your mouth will be nothing compared to that long walk home. At least you can stumble home in style, wearing Chloe's eco-friendly pantsuit. Recyled from vintage drawer liners, this perky ensemble is sure to wow the passing early morning motorists as you scurry home to the safety of a scalding hot shower and a dose of penicillin. Accessorizes well with sunglasses the size of dinner plates."
Not that it's ever happened to me, of course. I just made that up.
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