Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All is Vanity

In a month rife with 'special days'- Mother's Day, Memorial Day, May Day, Hawaiian Lei Day (which was May 1, so damn, there goes my chance to get, well, you know), Armed Forces Day, National Dance Like a Chicken Day (I swear), etc ... I've decided to go out on a limb here and declare the first official Queen Beach sanctified holiday... guess what, QB readers, today is... National Google Yourself Day!!!

Now, I shamefacedly and apologetically admit that I have been the first to accuse not one but several people of having had this habit. I apologize because their unexpected results have give me much pleasure. First there was the author (Hi Lesley!) who found her name (and book) on the website of Duck's Cottage in a list of upcoming selections for our reading group. She got in touch and was able to join us by phone for the discussion of her terrific novel, Whistling in the Dark. Then there was the old classmate who found his name within this blog. I don't know who will surface out of cyberspace next but the anticipation and suspense is delicious.

So finally I sat down and (gulp) did it myself... googled myself. Luckily I don't share a name with anyone more famous than I so was tickled when me, myself and I popped up on the first, second and even third page of search results. (My husband is not so fortunate as he has a namesake who is a renowned drummer consuming the first 20 pages or so of results that we looked at.)

Today we give you permission to shake off that mantle of shame (most likely a hold-over from a childhood filled with remarks like 'who do you think you are mister?' and 'what makes you think you're so special?'). Go ahead, let vanity RULE the day and the keyboard.... and if there are any other potential sponsors out there for NGYD, say the Society for Identity Theft Prevention or the Narcissus Association, we welcome your financial participation.

Note: One expected entry which did not show up anywhere in my results was, incredulously, this blog. So in order to rectify that... Jamie Layton, Jamie Layton, Jamie Layton. There.


KQ said...

Is there any reason whatsoever that we are NOT having a Dance Like a Chicken Day party? How the hell could we have missed THAT opportunity?

thebeachisback said...

The way you write about googling yourself puts me in mind of the language of a Judy Blume book. You COULD be talking about masturbation from the way you are talking. Whatever it is that you are overcoming your shame and doing to yourself -- well, congratulations!